Module flow.modules
Miscellaneous Flows.
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Miscellaneous Flows.
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
from .flow import Flow
from .utils import softplus, softplus_inv, logsigmoid
class Affine(Flow):
"""Learnable Affine Flow.
Applies weight[i] * x[i] + bias[i],
where weight and bias are learnable parameters.
def __init__(self, weight=None, bias=None, **kwargs):
weight (torch.Tensor): initial value for the weight parameter.
If None, initialized to torch.ones(1, self.dim).
bias (torch.Tensor): initial value for the bias parameter.
If None, initialized to torch.zeros(1, self.dim).
if weight is None:
weight = torch.ones(1, self.dim)
assert (weight > 0).all()
self.log_weight = nn.Parameter(torch.log(weight))
if bias is None:
bias = torch.zeros(1, self.dim)
self.bias = nn.Parameter(bias)
def _log_det(self):
"""Used to compute _log_det for _transform."""
return self.log_weight.sum(dim=1)
def _h(self):
"""Compute the parameters for this flow."""
return torch.exp(self.log_weight), self.bias
def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs):
weight, bias = self._h()
u = weight * x + bias
if log_det:
return u, self._log_det()
return u
def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs):
weight, bias = self._h()
x = (u - bias) / weight
if log_det:
return x, -self._log_det()
return x
class Sigmoid(Flow):
"""Sigmoid Flow."""
def __init__(self, alpha=1., eps=1e-2, **kwargs):
alpha (float): alpha parameter for the sigmoid function:
\(s(x, \alpha) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-\alpha x}}\).
Must be bigger than 0.
eps (float): transformed values will be clamped to (eps, 1 - eps)
on both _transform and _invert.
self.alpha = alpha
self.eps = eps
def _log_det(self, x):
"""Return log|det J_T|, where T: x -> u."""
return (
np.log(self.alpha) +
2 * logsigmoid(x, alpha=self.alpha) +
-self.alpha * x
# Override methods
def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs):
u = torch.sigmoid(self.alpha * x)
u = u.clamp(self.eps, 1 - self.eps)
if log_det:
return u, self._log_det(x)
return u
def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs):
u = u.clamp(self.eps, 1 - self.eps)
x = -torch.log(1 / self.alpha / u - 1)
if log_det:
return x, -self._log_det(x)
return x
class Softplus(Flow):
"""Softplus Flow."""
def __init__(self, threshold=20., eps=1e-6, **kwargs):
threshold (float): values above this revert to a linear function.
Default: 20.
eps (float): lower-bound to the softplus output.
assert threshold > 0 and eps > 0
self.threshold = threshold
self.eps = eps
def _log_det(self, x):
return logsigmoid(x).sum(dim=1)
# Override methods
def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs):
u = softplus(x, threshold=self.threshold, eps=self.eps)
if log_det:
return u, self._log_det(x)
return u
def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs):
x = softplus_inv(u, threshold=self.threshold, eps=self.eps)
if log_det:
return x, -self._log_det(x)
return x
class LogSigmoid(Flow):
"""LogSigmoid Flow, defined for numerical stability."""
def __init__(self, alpha=1., **kwargs):
alpha (float): alpha parameter used by the `Sigmoid`.
self.alpha = alpha
def _log_det(self, x):
"""Return log|det J_T|, where T: x -> u."""
return logsigmoid(-self.alpha * x).sum(dim=1) + np.log(self.alpha)
# Override methods
def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs):
u = logsigmoid(x, alpha=self.alpha)
if log_det:
return u, self._log_det(x)
return u
def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs):
x = -softplus_inv(-u) / self.alpha
if log_det:
return x, -self._log_det(x)
return x
class LeakyReLU(Flow):
"""LeakyReLU Flow."""
def __init__(self, negative_slope=0.01, **kwargs):
negative_slope (float): slope used for those x < 0,
self.negative_slope = negative_slope
def _log_det(self, x):
return torch.where(
x >= 0,
torch.ones_like(x) * np.log(self.negative_slope)
# Override methods
def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs):
u = torch.where(x >= 0, x, x * self.negative_slope)
if log_det:
return u, self._log_det(x)
return u
def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs):
x = torch.where(u >= 0, u, u / self.negative_slope)
if log_det:
return x, -self._log_det(x)
return x
class BatchNorm(Flow):
"""Perform BatchNormalization as a Flow class.
If not affine, just learns batch statistics to normalize the input.
def affine(self):
return self._affine.item()
def __init__(self, affine=True, momentum=.1, eps=1e-5, **kwargs):
affine (bool): whether to learn parameters loc/scale.
momentum (float): value used for the moving average
of batch statistics. Must be between 0 and 1.
eps (float): lower-bound for the scale tensor.
assert 0 <= momentum and momentum <= 1
self.register_buffer('eps', torch.tensor(eps))
self.register_buffer('momentum', torch.tensor(momentum))
self.register_buffer('updates', torch.tensor(0))
self.register_buffer('batch_loc', torch.zeros(1, self.dim))
self.register_buffer('batch_scale', torch.ones(1, self.dim))
assert isinstance(affine, bool)
self.register_buffer('_affine', torch.tensor(affine))
# We'll save these two parameters even if _affine is not True
# because, otherwise, when we load the flow,
# if affine has not the same value as the state_dict,
# it will raise an Exception.
self.loc = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, self.dim))
self.log_scale = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, self.dim))
def warm_start(self, x):
with torch.no_grad():
self.batch_loc = x.mean(0, keepdim=True)
self.batch_scale = x.std(0, keepdim=True) + self.eps = torch.tensor(1).to(self.device)
return self
def _activation(self, x=None, update=None):
assert x is not None and x.size(0) >= 2, \
'If training BatchNorm, pass more than 1 sample.'
bloc = x.mean(0, keepdim=True)
bscale = x.std(0, keepdim=True) + self.eps
# Update self.batch_loc, self.batch_scale
with torch.no_grad():
if == 0: = bloc = bscale
m = self.momentum = (1 - m) * self.batch_loc + m * bloc = \
(1 - m) * self.batch_scale + m * bscale
self.updates += 1
bloc, bscale = self.batch_loc, self.batch_scale
loc, scale = self.loc, self.log_scale
scale = torch.exp(scale) + self.eps
# Note that batch_scale does not use activation,
# since it is already in scale units.
return bloc, bscale, loc, scale
def _log_det(self, bscale):
if self.affine:
return (self.log_scale - torch.log(bscale)).sum(dim=1)
return -torch.log(bscale).sum(dim=1)
def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs):
bloc, bscale, loc, scale = self._activation(x)
u = (x - bloc) / bscale
if self.affine:
u = u * scale + loc
if log_det:
log_det = self._log_det(bscale)
return u, log_det
return u
def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs):
assert not, (
'If using BatchNorm in reverse training mode, '
'remember to call it reversed: inv_flow(BatchNorm)(dim=dim)'
bloc, bscale, loc, scale = self._activation()
if self.affine:
x = (u - loc) / scale * bscale + bloc
x = u * bscale + bloc
if log_det:
log_det = -self._log_det(bscale)
return x, log_det
return x
class ActNorm(Affine):
"""Implementation of Activation Normalization.
Uses Affine implementation and provides the warm_start method
to initialize Affine so that the transformed distribution
has location 0 and variance 1.
Note that ActNorm expects to call warm_start.
An assert blocks using it in any way before warm_start has been called.
def __init__(self, eps=1e-6, **kwargs):
eps (float): lower-bound for the weight tensor.
self.register_buffer('eps', torch.tensor(eps))
self.register_buffer('initialized', torch.tensor(False))
def warm_start(self, x):
"""Warm start for ActNorm.
Set loc and weight so that the transformed distribution
has location 0 and variance 1.
""" = -torch.log(x.std(0, keepdim=True) + self.eps) = -(x * torch.exp(self.log_weight)).mean(0, keepdim=True) = torch.tensor(True).to(self.device)
return self
def _h(self):
assert self.initialized.item()
return super()._h()
class Shuffle(Flow):
"""Perform a dimension-wise permutation."""
def __init__(self, perm=None, **kwargs):
perm (torch.Tensor): permutation to apply.
if perm is None:
perm = torch.randperm(self.dim)
assert perm.shape == (self.dim,)
self.register_buffer('perm', perm)
def _log_det(self, x):
# By doing a permutation, det is always 1 or -1.
# Hence, log|det| is always 0.
return torch.zeros_like(x[:, 0])
def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs):
u = x[:, self.perm]
if log_det:
return u, self._log_det(x)
return u
def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs):
inv_perm = torch.argsort(self.perm)
x = u[:, inv_perm]
if log_det:
return x, -self._log_det(x)
return x
class ActNorm (eps=1e-06, **kwargs)
Implementation of Activation Normalization.
Uses Affine implementation and provides the warm_start method to initialize Affine so that the transformed distribution has location 0 and variance 1.
Note that ActNorm expects to call warm_start. An assert blocks using it in any way before warm_start has been called.
- lower-bound for the weight tensor.
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class ActNorm(Affine): """Implementation of Activation Normalization. Uses Affine implementation and provides the warm_start method to initialize Affine so that the transformed distribution has location 0 and variance 1. Note that ActNorm expects to call warm_start. An assert blocks using it in any way before warm_start has been called. """ def __init__(self, eps=1e-6, **kwargs): """ Args: eps (float): lower-bound for the weight tensor. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.register_buffer('eps', torch.tensor(eps)) self.register_buffer('initialized', torch.tensor(False)) def warm_start(self, x): """Warm start for ActNorm. Set loc and weight so that the transformed distribution has location 0 and variance 1. """ = -torch.log(x.std(0, keepdim=True) + self.eps) = -(x * torch.exp(self.log_weight)).mean(0, keepdim=True) = torch.tensor(True).to(self.device) return self def _h(self): assert self.initialized.item() return super()._h()
def warm_start(self, x)
Warm start for ActNorm.
Set loc and weight so that the transformed distribution has location 0 and variance 1.
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def warm_start(self, x): """Warm start for ActNorm. Set loc and weight so that the transformed distribution has location 0 and variance 1. """ = -torch.log(x.std(0, keepdim=True) + self.eps) = -(x * torch.exp(self.log_weight)).mean(0, keepdim=True) = torch.tensor(True).to(self.device) return self
Inherited members
class Affine (weight=None, bias=None, **kwargs)
Learnable Affine Flow.
Applies weight[i] * x[i] + bias[i], where weight and bias are learnable parameters.
- initial value for the weight parameter. If None, initialized to torch.ones(1, self.dim).
- initial value for the bias parameter. If None, initialized to torch.zeros(1, self.dim).
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class Affine(Flow): """Learnable Affine Flow. Applies weight[i] * x[i] + bias[i], where weight and bias are learnable parameters. """ def __init__(self, weight=None, bias=None, **kwargs): """ Args: weight (torch.Tensor): initial value for the weight parameter. If None, initialized to torch.ones(1, self.dim). bias (torch.Tensor): initial value for the bias parameter. If None, initialized to torch.zeros(1, self.dim). """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if weight is None: weight = torch.ones(1, self.dim) assert (weight > 0).all() self.log_weight = nn.Parameter(torch.log(weight)) if bias is None: bias = torch.zeros(1, self.dim) self.bias = nn.Parameter(bias) def _log_det(self): """Used to compute _log_det for _transform.""" return self.log_weight.sum(dim=1) def _h(self): """Compute the parameters for this flow.""" return torch.exp(self.log_weight), self.bias def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs): weight, bias = self._h() u = weight * x + bias if log_det: return u, self._log_det() else: return u def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs): weight, bias = self._h() x = (u - bias) / weight if log_det: return x, -self._log_det() else: return x
- Flow
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class BatchNorm (affine=True, momentum=0.1, eps=1e-05, **kwargs)
Perform BatchNormalization as a Flow class.
If not affine, just learns batch statistics to normalize the input.
- whether to learn parameters loc/scale.
- value used for the moving average of batch statistics. Must be between 0 and 1.
- lower-bound for the scale tensor.
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class BatchNorm(Flow): """Perform BatchNormalization as a Flow class. If not affine, just learns batch statistics to normalize the input. """ @property def affine(self): return self._affine.item() def __init__(self, affine=True, momentum=.1, eps=1e-5, **kwargs): """ Args: affine (bool): whether to learn parameters loc/scale. momentum (float): value used for the moving average of batch statistics. Must be between 0 and 1. eps (float): lower-bound for the scale tensor. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) assert 0 <= momentum and momentum <= 1 self.register_buffer('eps', torch.tensor(eps)) self.register_buffer('momentum', torch.tensor(momentum)) self.register_buffer('updates', torch.tensor(0)) self.register_buffer('batch_loc', torch.zeros(1, self.dim)) self.register_buffer('batch_scale', torch.ones(1, self.dim)) assert isinstance(affine, bool) self.register_buffer('_affine', torch.tensor(affine)) # We'll save these two parameters even if _affine is not True # because, otherwise, when we load the flow, # if affine has not the same value as the state_dict, # it will raise an Exception. self.loc = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, self.dim)) self.log_scale = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, self.dim)) def warm_start(self, x): with torch.no_grad(): self.batch_loc = x.mean(0, keepdim=True) self.batch_scale = x.std(0, keepdim=True) + self.eps = torch.tensor(1).to(self.device) return self def _activation(self, x=None, update=None): if assert x is not None and x.size(0) >= 2, \ 'If training BatchNorm, pass more than 1 sample.' bloc = x.mean(0, keepdim=True) bscale = x.std(0, keepdim=True) + self.eps # Update self.batch_loc, self.batch_scale with torch.no_grad(): if == 0: = bloc = bscale else: m = self.momentum = (1 - m) * self.batch_loc + m * bloc = \ (1 - m) * self.batch_scale + m * bscale self.updates += 1 else: bloc, bscale = self.batch_loc, self.batch_scale loc, scale = self.loc, self.log_scale scale = torch.exp(scale) + self.eps # Note that batch_scale does not use activation, # since it is already in scale units. return bloc, bscale, loc, scale def _log_det(self, bscale): if self.affine: return (self.log_scale - torch.log(bscale)).sum(dim=1) else: return -torch.log(bscale).sum(dim=1) def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs): bloc, bscale, loc, scale = self._activation(x) u = (x - bloc) / bscale if self.affine: u = u * scale + loc if log_det: log_det = self._log_det(bscale) return u, log_det else: return u def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs): assert not, ( 'If using BatchNorm in reverse training mode, ' 'remember to call it reversed: inv_flow(BatchNorm)(dim=dim)' ) bloc, bscale, loc, scale = self._activation() if self.affine: x = (u - loc) / scale * bscale + bloc else: x = u * bscale + bloc if log_det: log_det = -self._log_det(bscale) return x, log_det else: return x
- Flow
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Instance variables
var affine
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@property def affine(self): return self._affine.item()
Inherited members
class LeakyReLU (negative_slope=0.01, **kwargs)
LeakyReLU Flow.
- slope used for those x < 0,
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class LeakyReLU(Flow): """LeakyReLU Flow.""" def __init__(self, negative_slope=0.01, **kwargs): """ Args: negative_slope (float): slope used for those x < 0, """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.negative_slope = negative_slope def _log_det(self, x): return torch.where( x >= 0, torch.zeros_like(x), torch.ones_like(x) * np.log(self.negative_slope) ).sum(dim=1) # Override methods def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs): u = torch.where(x >= 0, x, x * self.negative_slope) if log_det: return u, self._log_det(x) else: return u def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs): x = torch.where(u >= 0, u, u / self.negative_slope) if log_det: return x, -self._log_det(x) else: return x
- Flow
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class LogSigmoid (alpha=1.0, **kwargs)
LogSigmoid Flow, defined for numerical stability.
- alpha parameter used by the
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class LogSigmoid(Flow): """LogSigmoid Flow, defined for numerical stability.""" def __init__(self, alpha=1., **kwargs): """ Args: alpha (float): alpha parameter used by the `Sigmoid`. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.alpha = alpha def _log_det(self, x): """Return log|det J_T|, where T: x -> u.""" return logsigmoid(-self.alpha * x).sum(dim=1) + np.log(self.alpha) # Override methods def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs): u = logsigmoid(x, alpha=self.alpha) if log_det: return u, self._log_det(x) else: return u def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs): x = -softplus_inv(-u) / self.alpha if log_det: return x, -self._log_det(x) else: return x
- Flow
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class Shuffle (perm=None, **kwargs)
Perform a dimension-wise permutation.
- permutation to apply.
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class Shuffle(Flow): """Perform a dimension-wise permutation.""" def __init__(self, perm=None, **kwargs): """ Args: perm (torch.Tensor): permutation to apply. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if perm is None: perm = torch.randperm(self.dim) assert perm.shape == (self.dim,) self.register_buffer('perm', perm) def _log_det(self, x): # By doing a permutation, det is always 1 or -1. # Hence, log|det| is always 0. return torch.zeros_like(x[:, 0]) def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs): u = x[:, self.perm] if log_det: return u, self._log_det(x) else: return u def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs): inv_perm = torch.argsort(self.perm) x = u[:, inv_perm] if log_det: return x, -self._log_det(x) else: return x
- Flow
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class Sigmoid (alpha=1.0, eps=0.01, **kwargs)
Sigmoid Flow.
- alpha parameter for the sigmoid function: s(x, \alpha) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-\alpha x}}. Must be bigger than 0.
- transformed values will be clamped to (eps, 1 - eps) on both _transform and _invert.
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class Sigmoid(Flow): """Sigmoid Flow.""" def __init__(self, alpha=1., eps=1e-2, **kwargs): r""" Args: alpha (float): alpha parameter for the sigmoid function: \(s(x, \alpha) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-\alpha x}}\). Must be bigger than 0. eps (float): transformed values will be clamped to (eps, 1 - eps) on both _transform and _invert. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.alpha = alpha self.eps = eps def _log_det(self, x): """Return log|det J_T|, where T: x -> u.""" return ( np.log(self.alpha) + 2 * logsigmoid(x, alpha=self.alpha) + -self.alpha * x ).sum(dim=1) # Override methods def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs): u = torch.sigmoid(self.alpha * x) u = u.clamp(self.eps, 1 - self.eps) if log_det: return u, self._log_det(x) else: return u def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs): u = u.clamp(self.eps, 1 - self.eps) x = -torch.log(1 / self.alpha / u - 1) if log_det: return x, -self._log_det(x) else: return x
- Flow
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class Softplus (threshold=20.0, eps=1e-06, **kwargs)
Softplus Flow.
- values above this revert to a linear function. Default: 20.
- lower-bound to the softplus output.
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class Softplus(Flow): """Softplus Flow.""" def __init__(self, threshold=20., eps=1e-6, **kwargs): """ Args: threshold (float): values above this revert to a linear function. Default: 20. eps (float): lower-bound to the softplus output. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) assert threshold > 0 and eps > 0 self.threshold = threshold self.eps = eps def _log_det(self, x): return logsigmoid(x).sum(dim=1) # Override methods def _transform(self, x, log_det=False, **kwargs): u = softplus(x, threshold=self.threshold, eps=self.eps) if log_det: return u, self._log_det(x) else: return u def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, **kwargs): x = softplus_inv(u, threshold=self.threshold, eps=self.eps) if log_det: return x, -self._log_det(x) else: return x
- Flow
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members