Train utilities for flows.
Includes functions:
: get the default torch.device (cuda if available).train()
: used to train flows with early stopping.plot_losses()
: plot training and validation losses from atrain()
: compute the test negative-loglikelihood of the test set.
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Train utilities for flows.
Includes functions:
* `get_device`: get the default torch.device (cuda if available).
* `train`: used to train flows with early stopping.
* `plot_losses`: plot training and validation losses from a `train` session.
* `test_nll`: compute the test negative-loglikelihood of the test set.
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
from torch import nn, optim
from . import Flow
def get_device():
"""Return default cuda device if available, cpu otherwise."""
return torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
def train(
flow, trainX, valX, cond_train=None, cond_val=None, loss_f=None,
post_training_f=None, post_validation_f=None,
batch_size=32, optimizer=optim.Adam,
optimizer_kwargs=dict(lr=1e-3, weight_decay=1e-3),
n_epochs=int(1e6), patience=100, gradient_clipping=None
r"""Train Flow model with (optional) early stopping.
Can KeyboardInterrupt safely;
the resulting model will be the best one before the interruption.
flow (Flow): flow to train.
trainX (torch.Tensor): training dataset.
valX (torch.Tensor): validation dataset.
cond_train (torch.Tensor): conditioning tensor for trainX.
If None, non-conditional flow assumed.
cond_val (torch.Tensor): conditioning tensor for valX.
If None, non-conditional flow assumed.
loss_f (func): function(batch, idx, cond=None) to use as loss.
If None, uses flow.nll(batch, cond=cond) instead.
idx is an index tensor signaling which entries in trainX or valX
(depending on whether is True) are contained in batch.
cond is an optional keyword argument with the conditioning tensor,
if the flow is conditional. Otherwise, it's just None
and should be ignored.
Returns a tensor with the loss computed for each entry in the batch.
batch_size (int or float): If float, ratio of trainX to use per batch.
If int, batch size.
optimizer (torch.optim.Optimizer): optimizer class to use.
optimizer_kwargs (dict): kwargs to pass to the optimizer.
n_epochs (int): maximum number of epochs for training.
patience (int): maximum number of epochs with no improvement
in validation loss before stopping.
To avoid using early stopping, set to 0.
train_losses: list with entries (float(epoch), loss).
val_losses: list with entries (epoch, loss).
The results of this function can be passed to `plot_losses` directly.
assert isinstance(flow, Flow)
assert flow.prior is not None, 'flow.prior is required'
conditional = cond_train is not None or cond_val is not None
if conditional:
assert (cond_train is not None and cond_val is not None), \
'If flow is conditional, pass cond_train and cond_val'
cond = None # let's just leave it as a None for later
if isinstance(batch_size, float):
assert 0. < batch_size and batch_size <= 1.
batch_size = int(batch_size * len(trainX))
optimizer = optimizer(flow.parameters(), **optimizer_kwargs)
train_losses, val_losses = [], []
val_loss = np.inf
best_loss = np.inf
best_epoch = 0
best_model = None
if loss_f is None:
loss_f = lambda batch, idx, cond=None: flow.nll(batch, cond=cond)
best_model = TemporaryFile()
with tqdm(n_epochs, leave=True, position=0) as tq:
for epoch in range(1, n_epochs + 1):
# Train
X = trainX
idx = torch.randperm(len(X), device=X.device)
for n in range(0, len(X), batch_size):
if len(X) - n == 1: continue
subidx = idx[n:n + batch_size]
batch = X[subidx].to(flow.device)
if conditional:
cond = cond_train[subidx].to(flow.device)
loss = loss_f(batch, subidx, cond=cond).mean()
assert not torch.isnan(loss) and not torch.isinf(loss)
# Pytorch recipe: zero_grad - backward - step
# Gradient clipping
if gradient_clipping is not None:
assert gradient_clipping > 0
train_losses.append((epoch + n / len(trainX), loss.item()))
epoch_progress='%.3d%%' % (n / len(X) * 100),
train_loss='%+.3e' % loss.item(),
last_val_loss='%+.3e' % val_loss,
best_loss='%+.3e' % best_loss
if post_training_f is not None:
post_training_f(batch, subidx, cond=cond)
# Validation
X = valX
idx = torch.randperm(len(X), device=X.device)
with torch.no_grad(): # won't accumulate info about gradient
val_loss = 0.
for n in range(0, len(X), batch_size):
subidx = idx[n:n + batch_size]
batch = X[subidx].to(flow.device)
if conditional:
cond = cond_val[subidx].to(flow.device)
val_loss += (
loss_f(batch, subidx, cond=cond) / len(X)
val_losses.append((epoch, val_loss))
if post_validation_f is not None:
assert not np.isnan(val_loss)# and not np.isinf(val_loss)
# Early stopping
if best_loss > val_loss:
best_loss = val_loss
best_epoch = epoch, best_model)
train_loss='%+.3e' % loss.item(),
last_val_loss='%+.3e' % val_loss,
best_loss='%+.3e' % best_loss
if patience and epoch - best_epoch >= patience:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Interrupted at epoch', epoch)
pass # halt training without losing everything
# Load best model before exiting
flow.eval() # pass to eval mode before returning
return train_losses, val_losses
def plot_losses(train_losses, val_losses, cellsize=(6, 4)):
"""Plot train and validation losses from a `train` call.
train_losses (list): (epoch, loss) pairs to plot for training.
val_losses (list): (epoch, loss) pairs to plot for validation.
cellsize (tuple): (width, height) for each cell in the plot.
best_epoch, best_loss = min(val_losses, key=lambda pair: pair[1])
w, h = cellsize
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(w * 2, h * 1))
axes[1].axvline(best_epoch, ls='dashed', color='gray')
def test_nll(flow, testX, cond_test=None, batch_size=32):
"""Compute test nll using batches.
flow (Flow): flow to train.
testX (torch.Tensor): test dataset.
cond_test (torch.Tensor or None): conditioning tensor for testX,
if the flow is conditional.
batch_size (int or float): if float, ratio of testX to use per batch.
If int, batch size.
assert isinstance(flow, Flow)
assert flow.prior is not None, 'flow.prior is required'
conditional = cond_test is not None
if isinstance(batch_size, float):
assert 0. < batch_size and batch_size <= 1.
batch_size = int(batch_size * len(trainX))
with torch.no_grad(): # won't accumulate info about gradient
loss = 0.
for n in range(0, len(testX), batch_size):
idx = torch.arange(n, min(n + batch_size, len(testX)))
batch = testX[idx].to(flow.device)
if conditional:
cond = cond_test[idx].to(flow.device)
cond = None
loss += (flow.nll(batch, cond=cond).sum() / len(testX)).item()
return loss
def get_device()
Return default cuda device if available, cpu otherwise.
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def get_device(): """Return default cuda device if available, cpu otherwise.""" return torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
def plot_losses(train_losses, val_losses, cellsize=(6, 4))
Plot train and validation losses from a
- (epoch, loss) pairs to plot for training.
- (epoch, loss) pairs to plot for validation.
- (width, height) for each cell in the plot.
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def plot_losses(train_losses, val_losses, cellsize=(6, 4)): """Plot train and validation losses from a `train` call. Args: train_losses (list): (epoch, loss) pairs to plot for training. val_losses (list): (epoch, loss) pairs to plot for validation. cellsize (tuple): (width, height) for each cell in the plot. """ best_epoch, best_loss = min(val_losses, key=lambda pair: pair[1]) w, h = cellsize fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(w * 2, h * 1)) axes[0].set_title('train_loss') axes[0].plot(*np.array(train_losses).T) axes[1].set_title('val_loss') axes[1].plot(*np.array(val_losses).T) axes[1].axvline(best_epoch, ls='dashed', color='gray')
def test_nll(flow, testX, cond_test=None, batch_size=32)
Compute test nll using batches.
- flow to train.
- test dataset.
- conditioning tensor for testX, if the flow is conditional.
- if float, ratio of testX to use per batch. If int, batch size.
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def test_nll(flow, testX, cond_test=None, batch_size=32): """Compute test nll using batches. Args: flow (Flow): flow to train. testX (torch.Tensor): test dataset. cond_test (torch.Tensor or None): conditioning tensor for testX, if the flow is conditional. batch_size (int or float): if float, ratio of testX to use per batch. If int, batch size. """ assert isinstance(flow, Flow) assert flow.prior is not None, 'flow.prior is required' conditional = cond_test is not None if isinstance(batch_size, float): assert 0. < batch_size and batch_size <= 1. batch_size = int(batch_size * len(trainX)) flow.eval() with torch.no_grad(): # won't accumulate info about gradient loss = 0. for n in range(0, len(testX), batch_size): idx = torch.arange(n, min(n + batch_size, len(testX))) batch = testX[idx].to(flow.device) if conditional: cond = cond_test[idx].to(flow.device) else: cond = None loss += (flow.nll(batch, cond=cond).sum() / len(testX)).item() return loss
def train(flow, trainX, valX, cond_train=None, cond_val=None, loss_f=None, post_training_f=None, post_validation_f=None, batch_size=32, optimizer=torch.optim.adam.Adam, optimizer_kwargs={'lr': 0.001, 'weight_decay': 0.001}, n_epochs=1000000, patience=100, gradient_clipping=None)
Train Flow model with (optional) early stopping.
Can KeyboardInterrupt safely; the resulting model will be the best one before the interruption.
- flow to train.
- training dataset.
- validation dataset.
- conditioning tensor for trainX. If None, non-conditional flow assumed.
- conditioning tensor for valX. If None, non-conditional flow assumed.
function(batch, idx, cond=None) to use as loss. If None, uses flow.nll(batch, cond=cond) instead.
idx is an index tensor signaling which entries in trainX or valX (depending on whether is True) are contained in batch. cond is an optional keyword argument with the conditioning tensor, if the flow is conditional. Otherwise, it's just None and should be ignored. Returns a tensor with the loss computed for each entry in the batch.
- If float, ratio of trainX to use per batch. If int, batch size.
- optimizer class to use.
- kwargs to pass to the optimizer.
- maximum number of epochs for training.
- maximum number of epochs with no improvement in validation loss before stopping. To avoid using early stopping, set to 0.
- list with entries (float(epoch), loss).
- list with entries (epoch, loss).
The results of this function can be passed to
directly.Expand source code
def train( flow, trainX, valX, cond_train=None, cond_val=None, loss_f=None, post_training_f=None, post_validation_f=None, batch_size=32, optimizer=optim.Adam, optimizer_kwargs=dict(lr=1e-3, weight_decay=1e-3), n_epochs=int(1e6), patience=100, gradient_clipping=None ): r"""Train Flow model with (optional) early stopping. Can KeyboardInterrupt safely; the resulting model will be the best one before the interruption. Args: flow (Flow): flow to train. trainX (torch.Tensor): training dataset. valX (torch.Tensor): validation dataset. cond_train (torch.Tensor): conditioning tensor for trainX. If None, non-conditional flow assumed. cond_val (torch.Tensor): conditioning tensor for valX. If None, non-conditional flow assumed. loss_f (func): function(batch, idx, cond=None) to use as loss. If None, uses flow.nll(batch, cond=cond) instead. idx is an index tensor signaling which entries in trainX or valX (depending on whether is True) are contained in batch. cond is an optional keyword argument with the conditioning tensor, if the flow is conditional. Otherwise, it's just None and should be ignored. Returns a tensor with the loss computed for each entry in the batch. batch_size (int or float): If float, ratio of trainX to use per batch. If int, batch size. optimizer (torch.optim.Optimizer): optimizer class to use. optimizer_kwargs (dict): kwargs to pass to the optimizer. n_epochs (int): maximum number of epochs for training. patience (int): maximum number of epochs with no improvement in validation loss before stopping. To avoid using early stopping, set to 0. Returns: train_losses: list with entries (float(epoch), loss). val_losses: list with entries (epoch, loss). The results of this function can be passed to `plot_losses` directly. """ assert isinstance(flow, Flow) assert flow.prior is not None, 'flow.prior is required' conditional = cond_train is not None or cond_val is not None if conditional: assert (cond_train is not None and cond_val is not None), \ 'If flow is conditional, pass cond_train and cond_val' else: cond = None # let's just leave it as a None for later if isinstance(batch_size, float): assert 0. < batch_size and batch_size <= 1. batch_size = int(batch_size * len(trainX)) optimizer = optimizer(flow.parameters(), **optimizer_kwargs) train_losses, val_losses = [], [] val_loss = np.inf best_loss = np.inf best_epoch = 0 best_model = None if loss_f is None: loss_f = lambda batch, idx, cond=None: flow.nll(batch, cond=cond) best_model = TemporaryFile() try: with tqdm(n_epochs, leave=True, position=0) as tq: for epoch in range(1, n_epochs + 1): # Train flow.train() X = trainX idx = torch.randperm(len(X), device=X.device) for n in range(0, len(X), batch_size): if len(X) - n == 1: continue subidx = idx[n:n + batch_size] batch = X[subidx].to(flow.device) if conditional: cond = cond_train[subidx].to(flow.device) loss = loss_f(batch, subidx, cond=cond).mean() assert not torch.isnan(loss) and not torch.isinf(loss) # Pytorch recipe: zero_grad - backward - step optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() # Gradient clipping if gradient_clipping is not None: assert gradient_clipping > 0 nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( flow.parameters(), gradient_clipping ) optimizer.step() train_losses.append((epoch + n / len(trainX), loss.item())) tq.set_postfix(OrderedDict( epoch_progress='%.3d%%' % (n / len(X) * 100), train_loss='%+.3e' % loss.item(), last_val_loss='%+.3e' % val_loss, best_epoch=best_epoch, best_loss='%+.3e' % best_loss )) if post_training_f is not None: post_training_f(batch, subidx, cond=cond) # Validation flow.eval() X = valX idx = torch.randperm(len(X), device=X.device) with torch.no_grad(): # won't accumulate info about gradient val_loss = 0. for n in range(0, len(X), batch_size): subidx = idx[n:n + batch_size] batch = X[subidx].to(flow.device) if conditional: cond = cond_val[subidx].to(flow.device) val_loss += ( loss_f(batch, subidx, cond=cond) / len(X) ).sum().item() val_losses.append((epoch, val_loss)) if post_validation_f is not None: post_validation_f() assert not np.isnan(val_loss)# and not np.isinf(val_loss) # Early stopping if best_loss > val_loss: best_loss = val_loss best_epoch = epoch, best_model) tq.update() tq.set_postfix(OrderedDict( epoch_progress='100%', train_loss='%+.3e' % loss.item(), last_val_loss='%+.3e' % val_loss, best_epoch=best_epoch, best_loss='%+.3e' % best_loss )) if patience and epoch - best_epoch >= patience: break except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Interrupted at epoch', epoch) pass # halt training without losing everything # Load best model before exiting flow.load_state_dict(torch.load(best_model)) best_model.close() flow.eval() # pass to eval mode before returning return train_losses, val_losses