Module flow.conditioner
Implementations for Flow-Conditioners.
Conditioners implemented in this class:
: conditioner defined by a separate network for each dimension. Only use for one-dimensional flows.MADE
: Masked Autoregressive flow for Density Estimation.CouplingLayers
: CouplingLayers Conditioner.
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Implementations for Flow-Conditioners.
Conditioners implemented in this class:
* `AutoregressiveNaive`: conditioner defined by a separate network
for each dimension. Only use for one-dimensional flows.
* `MADE`: Masked Autoregressive flow for Density Estimation.
* `CouplingLayers`: CouplingLayers Conditioner.
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .flow import Conditioner
class ConditionerNet(nn.Module):
"""Conditioner parameters network.
Used to compute the parameters h passed to a transformer.
If called with a void tensor (in an autoregressive setting, the first step),
returns a learnable tensor containing the required result.
def __init__(
input_dim, output_dim, hidden_dim=(100, 50), nl=nn.ReLU,
input_dim (int): input dimensionality.
output_dim (int): output dimensionality.
Total dimension of all parameters combined.
hidden_dim (tuple): tuple of positive ints
with the dimensions of each hidden layer.
nl (torch.nn.Module): non-linearity module class
to use after every linear layer (except the last one).
h_init (torch.Tensor): tensor to use as initializer
of the last layer bias. If None, original initialization used.
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.output_dim = output_dim
if h_init is not None:
assert h_init.shape == (output_dim,)
if input_dim:
assert isinstance(hidden_dim, (tuple, list))
assert all(isinstance(x, int) and x > 0 for x in hidden_dim)
n_layers = len(hidden_dim) + 1
def create_layer(n_layer, n_step):
if n_step == 0:
i = input_dim if n_layer == 0 else hidden_dim[n_layer - 1]
o = output_dim if n_layer == n_layers - 1 else \
return nn.Linear(i, o)
if n_layer == n_layers - 1:
return None
return nl() = nn.Sequential(
nn.BatchNorm1d(input_dim, affine=False),
for layer in (
create_layer(n_layer, n_step)
for n_layer in range(n_layers)
for n_step in range(2)
if layer is not None
if h_init is not None:
# Initialize all weights and biases to close to 0,
# and the last biases to h_init
for p in = torch.randn_like(p) * 1e-3
last_bias =[-1].bias =
if h_init is None:
h_init = torch.randn(output_dim)
self.parameter = nn.Parameter(h_init.unsqueeze(0))
def forward(self, x):
"""Feed-forward pass."""
if self.input_dim:
return self.parameter.repeat(x.size(0), 1) # n == batch size
class AutoregressiveNaive(Conditioner):
"""Naive Autoregressive Conditioner.
Implements a separate network for each dimension's h parameters.
def __init__(self, trnf, net=None, **kwargs):
trnf (flow.flow.Transformer):
transformer to use alongside this conditioner.
net (class): torch.nn.Module class that computes the parameters.
If None, defaults to `ConditionerNet`.
super().__init__(trnf, **kwargs)
if net is None:
net = ConditionerNet
h_init = self.trnf._h_init()
self.nets = nn.ModuleList([
net(idim + self.cond_dim, self.trnf.h_dim, h_init=init)
for idim, init in zip(
(h_init.view(self.dim, -1) if h_init is not None else None)
# Override methods
def _h(self, x, cond=None, start=0):
assert 0 <= start and start <= min(self.dim - 1, x.size(1))
x = self._prepend_cond(x, cond)
net(x[:, :self.cond_dim + i])
for i, net in enumerate(self.nets[start:], start)
if (x.size(1) == self.cond_dim and i == 0) or
i <= x.size(1) - self.cond_dim
], dim=1)
def _invert(self, u, cond=None, log_det=False):
x = u[:, :0] # (n, 0) tensor
# Invert dimension per dimension sequentially
for i, net in enumerate(self.nets):
# Obtain h_i from previously computed x
h_i = self._h(x, cond=cond, start=i)
x_i = self.trnf(u[:, [i]], h_i, invert=True)
x =[x, x_i], 1)
if log_det:
h = self._h(x, cond=cond)
_, log_det = self.trnf(u, h, log_det=True, invert=True)
return x, log_det
return x
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MaskedLinear(nn.Linear):
"""Extend `torch.nn.Linear` to use a boolean mask on its weights."""
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, bias=True, mask=None):
in_features (int): size of each input sample.
out_features (int): size of each output sampl.
bias (bool): If set to False,
the layer will not learn an additive bias.
mask (torch.Tensor): boolean mask to apply to the weights.
Tensor of shape (out_features, in_features).
If None, defaults to an unmasked Linear layer.
super().__init__(in_features, out_features, bias)
if mask is None:
mask = torch.ones(out_features, in_features, dtype=bool)
mask = mask.bool()
assert mask.shape == (out_features, in_features)
self.register_buffer('mask', mask)
def forward(self, input):
"""Extend forward to include the buffered mask."""
return F.linear(input, self.mask * self.weight, self.bias)
def set_mask(self, mask):
"""Set the buffered mask to the given tensor.""" = mask
class MADE_Net(nn.Sequential):
"""Feed-forward network with masked linear layers used for MADE."""
def __init__(
input_dim, output_dim,
hidden_sizes_mult=[10, 5], act=nn.ReLU,
cond_dim=0, h_init=None,
input_dim (int): number of inputs (flow dimension).
output_dim (int): number of outputs (trnf.dim * trnf.h_dim).
Note that all parameters corresponding to a dimension
are concatenated together. Therefore, for a 3D-affine trnf:
mu0, sigma0, mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2.
hidden_sizes_mult (list): multiplier w.r.t. input_size
for each of the hidden layers.
act (nn.Module): activation layer to use.
If None, no activation is done.
cond_dim (int): dimensionality of the conditioning tensor, if any.
non-negative int. If cond_dim > 0, the cond tensor is expected
to be concatenated before the input dimensions.
h_init (torch.Tensor): tensor to use as initializer
of the last layer bias. If None, original initialization used.
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.output_dim = output_dim
assert not output_dim % input_dim
self.h_dim = output_dim // input_dim
assert all(isinstance(m, int) and m >= 1 for m in hidden_sizes_mult)
self.hidden_sizes = [
(input_dim + (cond_dim > 0)) * m
for m in hidden_sizes_mult
assert isinstance(cond_dim, int) and cond_dim >= 0
self.cond_dim = cond_dim
# Add all layers to the Sequential module
# Define mask connectivity
m = [
torch.arange(-cond_dim, input_dim) + 1
] + [
torch.randperm(input_dim + (cond_dim > 0)) +
(cond_dim == 0)
).repeat(m) # 0 means cond input, > 0 are the actual inputs
for m in hidden_sizes_mult
] + [
torch.arange(1, input_dim + 1)\
.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, self.h_dim).flatten()
# Create the actual layers
for k, (m0, m1) in enumerate(zip(m[:-1], m[1:])):
# Define masks
h0, h1 = m0.size(0), m1.size(0)
# Check mask size
if k == 0:
assert h0 == input_dim + cond_dim
elif k < len(self.hidden_sizes):
assert (h0, h1) == tuple(self.hidden_sizes[k-1:k+1]), \
(h0, h1, self.hidden_sizes[k-1:k+1])
assert h1 == output_dim
# Create mask
if k < len(self.hidden_sizes):
mask = m1.unsqueeze(1) >= m0.unsqueeze(0)
mask = m1.unsqueeze(1) > m0.unsqueeze(0)
# Add it to the masked layer
'masked_linear_%d' % k,
MaskedLinear(h0, h1, bias=True, mask=mask)
# Add an activation if not the last layer
if act is not None and k < len(m) - 2: # not the last one
self.add_module(f'{act.__name__}_{k}', act())
if h_init is not None:
for p in self.parameters(): = torch.randn_like(p) * 1e-3
last_bias = self[-1].bias =
class MADE(Conditioner):
"""Masked Autoregressive flow for Density Estimation.
def __init__(self, trnf, net=MADE_Net, net_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
trnf (flow.flow.Transformer):
transformer to use alongside this conditioner.
net (nn.Module class): network to use for MADE.
Must use `MaskedLinear` layers with appropriate masks.
Defaults to `MADE_Net`.
super().__init__(trnf, **kwargs)
net_kwargs = net_kwargs or {} = net(
self.dim, self.dim * trnf.h_dim,
# Overrides:
def _h(self, x, cond=None, **kwargs):
return, cond))
def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, cond=None, **kwargs):
# Invert dimension per dimension sequentially
# We don't use gradients now; we'll do a gradient run right after
with torch.no_grad():
x = self._prepend_cond(torch.randn_like(u), cond)
for i in range(self.dim):
h_i = # obtain h_i from previously computed x
x[:, [self.cond_dim + i]] = self.trnf(
u[:, [i]],
h_i[:, self.trnf.h_dim * i : self.trnf.h_dim * (i + 1)],
# Run again, this time to get the gradient and log_det if required
h = # now we can compute for all dimensions
return self.trnf(u, h, invert=True, log_det=log_det)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from flow.flow import Transformer
from flow.modules import Shuffle
class _CouplingLayersTransformer(Transformer):
"""Special Transformer used exclusively by CouplingLayers.
Since Transformers and Conditioners need to be of the same size
and CouplingLayers only passes a subset of dimensions to its Transformer,
we need a Transformer that encapsulates the lower-dimensional Transformer.
This will only transform the second split of dimensions, not the first one,
but its dim is the whole dimensionality.
def __init__(self, trnf, dim=None):
assert dim is not None and dim in (trnf.dim * 2, trnf.dim * 2 + 1)
super().__init__(dim=dim, h_dim=trnf.h_dim)
self.trnf = trnf
# Overrides
def _activation(self, h, **kwargs):
return self.trnf._activation(h, **kwargs)
def _transform(self, x, *h, log_det=False, **kwargs):
# CouplingLayers will pass the whole Tensor to _transform.
assert x.size(1) == self.dim
x1, x2 = x[:, :self.trnf.dim], x[:, self.trnf.dim:]
u1 = x1
res2 = self.trnf._transform(x2, *h, log_det=log_det, **kwargs)
if log_det:
u2, log_det = res2
return[u1, u2], 1), log_det
u2 = res2
return[u1, u2], 1)
def _invert(self, u2, *h, log_det=False, **kwargs):
# CouplingLayers will only pass the transformer split to _invert.
assert u2.size(1) == self.trnf.dim
res2 = self.trnf._invert(u2, *h, log_det=log_det, **kwargs)
if log_det:
x2, log_det = res2
return x2, log_det
x2 = res2
return x2
def _h_init(self):
# Return initialization values for pre-activation h parameters.
return self.trnf._h_init()
class CouplingLayers(Conditioner):
Simple implementation of CouplingLayers, where the tensor is divided
in two splits, one transformed with the identity,
the other with the given transformer.
The identity split has dim - dim // 2 dimensions,
and the transformer one, dim // 2 dimensions.
As such, the given trnf must have trnf.dim == cond.dim // 2.
Pass both dimension keyword arguments (Transformer and Conditioner).
Remember to apply a `flow.modules.Shuffle` flow before this Conditioner.
def __init__(self, trnf, dim=None, net_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
trnf (Transformer): transformer to use on the second split.
dim (int): dimension of the Conditioner.
Note that its transformer must have dim // 2 dimensionality.
assert dim is not None and dim >= 2, 'Must pass dim to CouplingLayers'
assert trnf.dim == dim // 2
trnf = _CouplingLayersTransformer(trnf, dim=dim)
super().__init__(trnf, dim=dim)
self.h_net = ConditionerNet(
dim - dim // 2 + self.cond_dim, dim // 2 * trnf.h_dim,
**(net_kwargs or {})
# Overrides
def _h(self, x, cond=None, **kwargs):
id_dim = self.dim - self.dim // 2
x1 = x[:, :id_dim]
return self.h_net(self._prepend_cond(x1, cond))
def _invert(self, u, cond=None, log_det=False, **kwargs):
id_dim = self.dim - self.dim // 2
u1, u2 = u[:, :id_dim], u[:, id_dim:]
x1 = u1
h = self.h_net(self._prepend_cond(x1, cond))
res2 = self.trnf(u2, h, invert=True, log_det=log_det, **kwargs)
if log_det:
x2, log_det = res2
return[x1, x2], 1), log_det
x2 = res2
return[x1, x2], 1)
class AutoregressiveNaive (trnf, net=None, **kwargs)
Naive Autoregressive Conditioner.
Implements a separate network for each dimension's h parameters.
- transformer to use alongside this conditioner.
- torch.nn.Module class that computes the parameters.
If None, defaults to
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class AutoregressiveNaive(Conditioner): """Naive Autoregressive Conditioner. Implements a separate network for each dimension's h parameters. """ def __init__(self, trnf, net=None, **kwargs): """ Args: trnf (flow.flow.Transformer): transformer to use alongside this conditioner. net (class): torch.nn.Module class that computes the parameters. If None, defaults to `ConditionerNet`. """ super().__init__(trnf, **kwargs) if net is None: net = ConditionerNet h_init = self.trnf._h_init() self.nets = nn.ModuleList([ net(idim + self.cond_dim, self.trnf.h_dim, h_init=init) for idim, init in zip( range(self.dim), (h_init.view(self.dim, -1) if h_init is not None else None) ) ]) # Override methods def _h(self, x, cond=None, start=0): assert 0 <= start and start <= min(self.dim - 1, x.size(1)) x = self._prepend_cond(x, cond) return[ net(x[:, :self.cond_dim + i]) for i, net in enumerate(self.nets[start:], start) if (x.size(1) == self.cond_dim and i == 0) or i <= x.size(1) - self.cond_dim ], dim=1) def _invert(self, u, cond=None, log_det=False): x = u[:, :0] # (n, 0) tensor # Invert dimension per dimension sequentially for i, net in enumerate(self.nets): # Obtain h_i from previously computed x h_i = self._h(x, cond=cond, start=i) x_i = self.trnf(u[:, [i]], h_i, invert=True) x =[x, x_i], 1) if log_det: h = self._h(x, cond=cond) _, log_det = self.trnf(u, h, log_det=True, invert=True) return x, log_det else: return x
- Conditioner
- Flow
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class ConditionerNet (input_dim, output_dim, hidden_dim=(100, 50), nl=torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU, h_init=None)
Conditioner parameters network.
Used to compute the parameters h passed to a transformer. If called with a void tensor (in an autoregressive setting, the first step), returns a learnable tensor containing the required result.
- input dimensionality.
- output dimensionality. Total dimension of all parameters combined.
- tuple of positive ints with the dimensions of each hidden layer.
- non-linearity module class to use after every linear layer (except the last one).
- tensor to use as initializer of the last layer bias. If None, original initialization used.
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class ConditionerNet(nn.Module): """Conditioner parameters network. Used to compute the parameters h passed to a transformer. If called with a void tensor (in an autoregressive setting, the first step), returns a learnable tensor containing the required result. """ def __init__( self, input_dim, output_dim, hidden_dim=(100, 50), nl=nn.ReLU, h_init=None, ): """ Args: input_dim (int): input dimensionality. output_dim (int): output dimensionality. Total dimension of all parameters combined. hidden_dim (tuple): tuple of positive ints with the dimensions of each hidden layer. nl (torch.nn.Module): non-linearity module class to use after every linear layer (except the last one). h_init (torch.Tensor): tensor to use as initializer of the last layer bias. If None, original initialization used. """ super().__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim if h_init is not None: assert h_init.shape == (output_dim,) if input_dim: assert isinstance(hidden_dim, (tuple, list)) assert all(isinstance(x, int) and x > 0 for x in hidden_dim) n_layers = len(hidden_dim) + 1 def create_layer(n_layer, n_step): if n_step == 0: i = input_dim if n_layer == 0 else hidden_dim[n_layer - 1] o = output_dim if n_layer == n_layers - 1 else \ hidden_dim[n_layer] return nn.Linear(i, o) else: if n_layer == n_layers - 1: return None else: return nl() = nn.Sequential( nn.BatchNorm1d(input_dim, affine=False), *( layer for layer in ( create_layer(n_layer, n_step) for n_layer in range(n_layers) for n_step in range(2) ) if layer is not None ) ) if h_init is not None: # Initialize all weights and biases to close to 0, # and the last biases to h_init for p in = torch.randn_like(p) * 1e-3 last_bias =[-1].bias = else: if h_init is None: h_init = torch.randn(output_dim) self.parameter = nn.Parameter(h_init.unsqueeze(0)) def forward(self, x): """Feed-forward pass.""" if self.input_dim: return else: return self.parameter.repeat(x.size(0), 1) # n == batch size
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def forward(self, x)
Feed-forward pass.
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def forward(self, x): """Feed-forward pass.""" if self.input_dim: return else: return self.parameter.repeat(x.size(0), 1) # n == batch size
class CouplingLayers (trnf, dim=None, net_kwargs=None, **kwargs)
Simple implementation of CouplingLayers, where the tensor is divided in two splits, one transformed with the identity, the other with the given transformer. The identity split has dim - dim // 2 dimensions, and the transformer one, dim // 2 dimensions. As such, the given trnf must have trnf.dim == cond.dim // 2.
Pass both dimension keyword arguments (Transformer and Conditioner). Remember to apply a
flow before this Conditioner.Args
- transformer to use on the second split.
- dimension of the Conditioner. Note that its transformer must have dim // 2 dimensionality.
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class CouplingLayers(Conditioner): """CouplingLayers. Simple implementation of CouplingLayers, where the tensor is divided in two splits, one transformed with the identity, the other with the given transformer. The identity split has dim - dim // 2 dimensions, and the transformer one, dim // 2 dimensions. As such, the given trnf must have trnf.dim == cond.dim // 2. Pass both dimension keyword arguments (Transformer and Conditioner). Remember to apply a `flow.modules.Shuffle` flow before this Conditioner. """ def __init__(self, trnf, dim=None, net_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """ Args: trnf (Transformer): transformer to use on the second split. dim (int): dimension of the Conditioner. Note that its transformer must have dim // 2 dimensionality. """ assert dim is not None and dim >= 2, 'Must pass dim to CouplingLayers' assert trnf.dim == dim // 2 trnf = _CouplingLayersTransformer(trnf, dim=dim) super().__init__(trnf, dim=dim) self.h_net = ConditionerNet( dim - dim // 2 + self.cond_dim, dim // 2 * trnf.h_dim, h_init=self.trnf._h_init(), **(net_kwargs or {}) ) # Overrides def _h(self, x, cond=None, **kwargs): id_dim = self.dim - self.dim // 2 x1 = x[:, :id_dim] return self.h_net(self._prepend_cond(x1, cond)) def _invert(self, u, cond=None, log_det=False, **kwargs): id_dim = self.dim - self.dim // 2 u1, u2 = u[:, :id_dim], u[:, id_dim:] x1 = u1 h = self.h_net(self._prepend_cond(x1, cond)) res2 = self.trnf(u2, h, invert=True, log_det=log_det, **kwargs) if log_det: x2, log_det = res2 return[x1, x2], 1), log_det else: x2 = res2 return[x1, x2], 1)
- Conditioner
- Flow
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class MADE (trnf, net=flow.conditioner.MADE_Net, net_kwargs=None, **kwargs)
Masked Autoregressive flow for Density Estimation.
- transformer to use alongside this conditioner.
:nn.Module class
- network to use for MADE.
Must use
layers with appropriate masks. Defaults toMADE_Net
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class MADE(Conditioner): """Masked Autoregressive flow for Density Estimation. """ def __init__(self, trnf, net=MADE_Net, net_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """ Args: trnf (flow.flow.Transformer): transformer to use alongside this conditioner. net (nn.Module class): network to use for MADE. Must use `MaskedLinear` layers with appropriate masks. Defaults to `MADE_Net`. """ super().__init__(trnf, **kwargs) net_kwargs = net_kwargs or {} = net( self.dim, self.dim * trnf.h_dim, cond_dim=self.cond_dim, h_init=self.trnf._h_init(), **net_kwargs ) # Overrides: def _h(self, x, cond=None, **kwargs): return, cond)) def _invert(self, u, log_det=False, cond=None, **kwargs): # Invert dimension per dimension sequentially # We don't use gradients now; we'll do a gradient run right after with torch.no_grad(): x = self._prepend_cond(torch.randn_like(u), cond) for i in range(self.dim): h_i = # obtain h_i from previously computed x x[:, [self.cond_dim + i]] = self.trnf( u[:, [i]], h_i[:, self.trnf.h_dim * i : self.trnf.h_dim * (i + 1)], invert=True, log_det=False ) # Run again, this time to get the gradient and log_det if required h = # now we can compute for all dimensions return self.trnf(u, h, invert=True, log_det=log_det)
- Conditioner
- Flow
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class MADE_Net (input_dim, output_dim, hidden_sizes_mult=[10, 5], act=torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU, cond_dim=0, h_init=None)
Feed-forward network with masked linear layers used for MADE.
- number of inputs (flow dimension).
- number of outputs (trnf.dim * trnf.h_dim). Note that all parameters corresponding to a dimension are concatenated together. Therefore, for a 3D-affine trnf: mu0, sigma0, mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2.
- multiplier w.r.t. input_size for each of the hidden layers.
- activation layer to use. If None, no activation is done.
- dimensionality of the conditioning tensor, if any. non-negative int. If cond_dim > 0, the cond tensor is expected to be concatenated before the input dimensions.
- tensor to use as initializer of the last layer bias. If None, original initialization used.
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class MADE_Net(nn.Sequential): """Feed-forward network with masked linear layers used for MADE.""" def __init__( self, input_dim, output_dim, hidden_sizes_mult=[10, 5], act=nn.ReLU, cond_dim=0, h_init=None, ): """ Args: input_dim (int): number of inputs (flow dimension). output_dim (int): number of outputs (trnf.dim * trnf.h_dim). Note that all parameters corresponding to a dimension are concatenated together. Therefore, for a 3D-affine trnf: mu0, sigma0, mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2. hidden_sizes_mult (list): multiplier w.r.t. input_size for each of the hidden layers. act (nn.Module): activation layer to use. If None, no activation is done. cond_dim (int): dimensionality of the conditioning tensor, if any. non-negative int. If cond_dim > 0, the cond tensor is expected to be concatenated before the input dimensions. h_init (torch.Tensor): tensor to use as initializer of the last layer bias. If None, original initialization used. """ super().__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim assert not output_dim % input_dim self.h_dim = output_dim // input_dim assert all(isinstance(m, int) and m >= 1 for m in hidden_sizes_mult) self.hidden_sizes = [ (input_dim + (cond_dim > 0)) * m for m in hidden_sizes_mult ] assert isinstance(cond_dim, int) and cond_dim >= 0 self.cond_dim = cond_dim # Add all layers to the Sequential module # Define mask connectivity m = [ torch.arange(-cond_dim, input_dim) + 1 ] + [ ( torch.randperm(input_dim + (cond_dim > 0)) + (cond_dim == 0) ).repeat(m) # 0 means cond input, > 0 are the actual inputs for m in hidden_sizes_mult ] + [ torch.arange(1, input_dim + 1)\ .view(-1, 1).repeat(1, self.h_dim).flatten() ] # Create the actual layers for k, (m0, m1) in enumerate(zip(m[:-1], m[1:])): # Define masks h0, h1 = m0.size(0), m1.size(0) # Check mask size if k == 0: assert h0 == input_dim + cond_dim elif k < len(self.hidden_sizes): assert (h0, h1) == tuple(self.hidden_sizes[k-1:k+1]), \ (h0, h1, self.hidden_sizes[k-1:k+1]) else: assert h1 == output_dim # Create mask if k < len(self.hidden_sizes): mask = m1.unsqueeze(1) >= m0.unsqueeze(0) else: mask = m1.unsqueeze(1) > m0.unsqueeze(0) # Add it to the masked layer self.add_module( 'masked_linear_%d' % k, MaskedLinear(h0, h1, bias=True, mask=mask) ) # Add an activation if not the last layer if act is not None and k < len(m) - 2: # not the last one self.add_module(f'{act.__name__}_{k}', act()) if h_init is not None: for p in self.parameters(): = torch.randn_like(p) * 1e-3 last_bias = self[-1].bias =
- torch.nn.modules.container.Sequential
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
class MaskedLinear (in_features, out_features, bias=True, mask=None)
to use a boolean mask on its weights.Args
- size of each input sample.
- size of each output sampl.
- If set to False, the layer will not learn an additive bias.
- boolean mask to apply to the weights. Tensor of shape (out_features, in_features). If None, defaults to an unmasked Linear layer.
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class MaskedLinear(nn.Linear): """Extend `torch.nn.Linear` to use a boolean mask on its weights.""" def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, bias=True, mask=None): """ Args: in_features (int): size of each input sample. out_features (int): size of each output sampl. bias (bool): If set to False, the layer will not learn an additive bias. mask (torch.Tensor): boolean mask to apply to the weights. Tensor of shape (out_features, in_features). If None, defaults to an unmasked Linear layer. """ super().__init__(in_features, out_features, bias) if mask is None: mask = torch.ones(out_features, in_features, dtype=bool) else: mask = mask.bool() assert mask.shape == (out_features, in_features) self.register_buffer('mask', mask) def forward(self, input): """Extend forward to include the buffered mask.""" return F.linear(input, self.mask * self.weight, self.bias) def set_mask(self, mask): """Set the buffered mask to the given tensor.""" = mask
- torch.nn.modules.linear.Linear
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def forward(self, input)
Extend forward to include the buffered mask.
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def forward(self, input): """Extend forward to include the buffered mask.""" return F.linear(input, self.mask * self.weight, self.bias)
def set_mask(self, mask)
Set the buffered mask to the given tensor.
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def set_mask(self, mask): """Set the buffered mask to the given tensor.""" = mask